AYURVEDIC Cooking for keeping cholesterol in check:-

We all hear about cholesterol and how we need to lower it, but what is this mysterious thing? Cholesterol is a lipid. Did you know that we can make our own cholesterol with in our bodies! Cholesterol is used in many of body’s functions. The problems with cholesterol occur when someone has abnormally high levels of LDL cholesterol and low amounts of HDL cholesterol. In this workshop, we will talk about how with some simple changes, you can lead a healthy lifestyle. Also, I will provide you with ayurvedic and holistic nutrition tips as well as demonstrate a few dishes which can be enjoyed without worrying about cholesterol!

Cost: CA$100/person

Cost includes:-

  • Participation fee
  • All supplies
  • 1 hour education
  • cooking demo
  • Yummy nutritious lunch!!!!
  • Q/A session
  • Recipe printouts!!!!

Maximum space: 8- 10 people per session.

Service Cost : $ 100.00

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