
Does your arthritis prevent you from slicing an onion or whipping cream? Arthritis does interfere with many daily activities, and one of the most important of these is cooking. The pain and stiffness caused by arthritis can prevent you from cooking your favorite meals and reduce you to eating frozen dinners. In this workshop, we will talk about how with some simple adaptations, you can regain your cooking abilities. Also I will provide you with ayurvedic and holistic nutrition tips on how to manage your arthritis and try and minimize your pain by eating right!

Cost: CA$90/person

Cost includes:-

  • Participation fee
  • All supplies
  • 1 hour education
  • cooking demo
  • Yummy nutritious lunch!!!!
  • Q/A session
  • Recipe printouts!!!!

Maximum space: 8- 10 people per session.

Service Cost : $ 90.00

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